3rd Transnational Project Meeting “Smart Farming in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Smart Farming 4.0 All)”

The year brought the state of the Covid-19 pandemic with a high risk of travel and meetings and 3rd Transnational Project Meeting was held on Thursday, 22 April 2021 on-line. 

CHAMBER OF CHALKIDIKI was the organizer of the event. Meeting link: https://cutt.ly/svshxFo

Partnership of “Smart Farming in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Smart Farming 4.0 All)” project came together once more to discuss about the progress of the tasks and the design of the next phases of projects’ implementation. More specifically, partners discussed and analyzed:

     • Updates and information about the Project Management requirements-report Via Pontica Foundation & All Partners

     • Review of IO2 progress and remaining tasks – feedback received so far by external evaluators-SATEAN & All Partners

     • External presentation by Dr. Georgios Ntinas from the Hellenic Agricultural Organization – DEMETER

      • Presentation of the methodology to be followed for IO3, in accordance with C1- Chamber of Chalkidiki, OECON, Via Pontica Foundation & All Partners

      • Updates and information about the Dissemination requirements-Dekaplus & All Partners

Partners also exchanged information on the current situation of agriculture sector and agriculture enterprises in each national context of the Greece, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Turkey and Romania, planned the next activities, meetings, events, etc., and shared their concerns regarding the impact of Covid-19 on the projects’ activities and especially the testing process, which is the next implementation step! However, all partners stayed positive and expressed hope that  will be able to meet in person for the next Transnational Meeting!

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